viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012

The Worst Vacation I Ever Had

Some years ago, I went with my mother to the USA, we were thinking of spending the vacations visiting some cool places with my cousins, but the travel went bad from the start; first of all, the flight was delayed about 2 hours, when we finally arrived there was a horrible cold weather and a few days after, I caught a flu. Some days later I got well, and we went to a beach, unfortunately the water was infested by jellyfish, guess how I noticed it. Yes, the jellyfish stung me. Finally I went to the Universal Studios in Hollywood, but I accidentally fell off the tour train, and I broke my arm.

domingo, 11 de marzo de 2012

Worst Nightmares

My worst nightmare started about 6 years, when I moved to a new house with my parents. The first time I visited the place. I felt strange as I crossed the door, but I didn’t care. Three days later my parents bought the house. The next days we had no problems, but after like a week, the environment changed; I had terrible nightmares and a cold wind woke me up every night. One day when my mother and I were having breakfast we saw a dark shadow pass quickly, and my mother was shocked… After that I managed to get an Ouija board, and I tried to contact the entity, but I failed. And my mother discovered me, and made me throw it away. I think the entity got angry, because he began to manifest itself strongly; once while I was sleeping, I felt I was being suffocated, until I fell unconscious. Another day I felt a push that sent me down the stairs. I talked about that with my parents, and we decided to leave the house.

sábado, 10 de marzo de 2012

A bad vacation experience

6 years ago, my parents and I went to Tijuana, that voyage was the worst I’ve ever had. We went with the intention to getting the visa, but my dad came up with the brilliant idea to go by bus. It was horrible; the bus took 26 hours… We went to the place where we would get the visa, and we were there about 6 hours. The return also lasted 26 hours, but this time, I couldn’t sleep because an old woman was snoring all the way. At least, we got the visa, and we went to the USA.