domingo, 11 de marzo de 2012

Worst Nightmares

My worst nightmare started about 6 years, when I moved to a new house with my parents. The first time I visited the place. I felt strange as I crossed the door, but I didn’t care. Three days later my parents bought the house. The next days we had no problems, but after like a week, the environment changed; I had terrible nightmares and a cold wind woke me up every night. One day when my mother and I were having breakfast we saw a dark shadow pass quickly, and my mother was shocked… After that I managed to get an Ouija board, and I tried to contact the entity, but I failed. And my mother discovered me, and made me throw it away. I think the entity got angry, because he began to manifest itself strongly; once while I was sleeping, I felt I was being suffocated, until I fell unconscious. Another day I felt a push that sent me down the stairs. I talked about that with my parents, and we decided to leave the house.

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